Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OSR Zeitgeist

Is there some sort of OSR zeitgeist that keeps making other people blog about the same topics I have scheduled, maybe a collective unconscious to the OSR? Seriously, I am feeling a little blog-blocked by the fact that people whose blogs I read keep posting stuff on topics I have been about to post on, it's a little weird. I keep a document open on my desktop, frequently saved, with random gaming thoughts I am having, so that I can explore them in depth later when I have the time; future blogging projects, and they keep appearing in other blogs. Current topics on my list are, among others, initiative in the various editions of D&D I have played and my own house rules regarding it; Clerics in D&D games and heroic vs. roguish characters and campaigns.

In other news, I am going to have little time for blogging this week, 2 out of three of my kids have the week off and have projects they want to do that they need my help with.

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