Friday, April 29, 2011

Y is for-

Y is for-

You. That's right you, if you are reading this then you get to be the first thing listed for the letter Y. I am not going to lie to you and say I started blogging for you, I honestly never thought anyone outside of my house would ever read my blog; but you keep me coming back trying to bring out coherent game thoughts and good stuff on a regular basis. My wife may have kick started my blogging efforts, but you readers are what keep me writing.

Y is for Yes, which is what I try to always tell players when they want to try something new. The chances might not be that great, hell they may be impossible, but I am willing to let you try.

Y is for Ygraine, the wife first of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall; then Uther Pendragon, King of the Britons. Mother of (at a minimum) Morgana LeFey and Arthur. When she was played by Katrine Boorman in the movie Excalibur I am pretty sure I understood for the first time why Uther was willing to ruin the peace to be with her.

Y is for Yeti which is not only the only Y monster in the 1st edition AD&D Monster Manual (not counting given names of certain demon lords), but is also the Himalayan version of the Sasquatch
or "Bigfoot", which never made an appearance in AD&D at all.

Y is for York. When the Romans founded it they called it Eburacum. When the Saxons ruled there it was Eoforwic and was the seat of a bishopric and later the kingdom of Northumbria. The Vikings called it Jorvik and made it the seat of their kingdom in England. It eventually became York in about the 13th century. Located at the confluence of the rivers Ouse and Foss it has been an important trading center, particularly for the wool trade since it's founding. I mention York for two reasons, first it's pretty cool to see the evolution of a place name as different cultures dominate an area and second, like X, there aren't all that many Y words either.

Somedays you have more time than others for writing your blog, this is one of my short days, sorry folks.


  1. Would you like one? I'd create an award for you, something like "most prolific creator of excellent free games", but just coming from me what's it worth?

  2. Coming from just you, it would have it's of value.
