Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mail Call 29 JUN 2011

Pics from EBay, you all know the drill.

I already had some of these, but I got them pretty darned cheap and can always use more OA minis.


  1. Have never tried them myself, big 28mm or small 28mm?

  2. You know, I don't know. The rest of my collection is 25mm for the most part, with the scale creep upwards. These guys look bigger than my "big" 25mm guys. I'd have to say about the same as the WotC plastics, but sturdier.

    OK, I did a side by side comparison of 2 Clan War minis and 2 WotC plastics, plus a Reaper Female Paladin. The Clan War guys were a Heavy infantryman with a katana and a spearman, just because they were recently primed and out. The WotC Minis were a Star Wars Imperial Guard and a Monk, because for some reason they are sitting on a shelf (with a few other Star Wars minis) in my dining room. The Imperial Guardsman was taller than both Clan War guys, the Imperial Royal Guard was taller than both, the Sun Soul Initiate was shorter, but he was kind of in a martial arts stance. The Reaper Female Paladin, from the Dark Heaven line? was bought like a decade ago or more, she seemed to be about the same scale; which makes sense now that I think about it because these Clan War miniature molds are from the late 1990s and were probably scaled to the then current Games Workshop Warhammer miniatures scale.
