Tuesday, July 5, 2011

200th Post

I don't really have anything to say here, I was just looking at my blogger stats (for some reason I seem to have a following in Iran, not a huge one, but bigger than the none I would have expected); anyway I noticed the my post count was at 199. I never figured I'd get very far with this blogging project. My wife kind of nagged me into writing when I started and it really took me about a year to start building up any head of steam on it. I wish I had something significant to say to mark this occasion, but I don't. Thanks for showing up and checking out my thoughts. Thanks for all the rest of you gamers out there that have inspired me to keep putting my thoughts together. It's all really more random philosophical musings about my 30+ years of gaming and life than ramblings of a Great Khan, but thanks for playing along!


  1. It's Tuesday, and I haven't touched a drop, so I'll drink to another 200!

  2. Congrats, good rambling here, here's to more.

  3. Congrats on the milestone -- looking forward to the next 200!

  4. A most enjoyable 200 posts! thanks for posting, and thank you wife for talking you into it.
