Thursday, September 22, 2011

Still Sick...

But otherwise energized. I talked to Lance W. last night and we set up a tentative schedule to start gaming again. My dad's garage is costing me a lot of weekends. I still need to talk to Lee Ann and see if maybe any other players not living in my house are interested, but it looks right now like 1st edition AD&D is a go for beginning in early October, which coincidentally matches almost perfectly the end of SCA heavy fighting season here in Aethelmearc; and it'll probably be the Oriental Adventures variant. We're going to have a vote. I vote for OA and I know Lance does, Mona could go either way and the other choice I am presenting is a classic Greyhawk game starting in Hommlet with the ToEE. Oddly enough, none of my players have ever played through the Temple of Elemental Evil and I've only gotten to DM it part way through once. I will be DMing. I tried to pitch the L5R RPG, but nobody really wants to have to learn a new system, they just want to make characters and get down to playing. I can't say I blame them, but I am itching to try out the L5R RPG.


  1. How about transplanting TOEE to Rokugan or Kara Tur, reskinned OA style, and combining them? Win win. Samurai, Bushi, and Wu Jen throwing down with TOEE followers that all know kung fu - love it!

  2. You know, that really kind of works. I have reskinned old non-OA stuff for short OA excursions before, but this is a pretty cool OA campaign. The ToEE full of Monks, Sohei and Shukenja with some Bushi and Samurai retainers too and a bunch of monsters. That is an AWESOME idea. You are my new hero. Today anyway :)

  3. I keep threatening to run Stonehell as an OA adventure, dunno why I never thought of TOEE before - it seems much better. It'd be a lot of fun. I just don't like the OA approach to the ninja, but I think there was a good version in Dragon at some point. You could give the priests of the different elemental temples different fighting styles.

  4. Sorry to read that you've been sick. Hope you get all the way better SOON.

  5. @Beedo-Actually, back in the day, I just wrote up a different Ninja class based on the Thief core class- I called it the Shinobi and made it available for use in my game along with the Ninja split-class that was the official version; not that it mattered much, I find most OA parties prefer to be Samurai/Kensei based and avoid having Yakuza and Ninja in them at all.
    @Whisk- Every year back to school brings a new round of illness to the house. I don't know why it surprises me anymore, but it always does. Everyone here is in various stages of sick right now. Ember even had to miss school today, sore throat and a fever.
