Monday, October 31, 2011

Lazy Art Post

Still hard at work on OA-T1: The Mura of Hondo; I thought I'd give you guys a ssample of my wife's art. She whipped this up while we were playing last time and I got her to scan it today, it's her Hengeyokai Shugenja Character Misaki, in human form obviously.


  1. Wow. That is awesome for an in-game sketch, or indeed a post-game art piece.

  2. I particularly like that she has fish as a design on the inside of her Cat Hengeyokai's kimono.

  3. More lazy for me to post than for her to draw.

  4. Not as lazy as the sketch of Kiku roasting THAT was lazy :)

  5. Fantastic. I love old school OA.

    I came across this accidentally, but I think I need to start following your blog. The destiny of Spirits should not be denied.

    1. Thanks! I love old school OA too, that campaign has gone on hiatus for now. I have a theory that I can only keep a "standard" D&D group playing OA for so long before I have to let them go back to their occidental playground for a while. They'll eventually want to play some more though. They always come back.
