Thursday, March 22, 2012

Too Bloody Hot.

Odd weather here for March, but my lack of posting here is mainly due to the unseasonably hot weather for the month and getting a jump on some outdoor work both here at home and over at my parent's house. That and having my computer on in this small room heats the space up pretty fast.

I am probably going to re-reboot a new B/X campaign this coming Sunday, just because I am easily distracted and getting dissatisfied with missing games, particularly since we only play every other weekend. Three games missed is six weeks, that's a killer for campaign momentum. My new thinking is that I will play every Sunday, except on holidays, and if a player can't make it, they just don't play. B/X (and AD&D) don't have the rise in power between levels that make missing the odd session, or even every other session in a worst case scenario, all that bad. The new setting will definitely include Vikings, because I love them so, and I have some house rules and maybe some new classes in mind too.


  1. Warm weather is a good prelude to a campaign on vikings. The little ice age is part of what ended the last age of the vikings (and ended colonies like Greenland).

    I also love the drop in/open campaign idea. It is true to the roots of D&D and it is a much more practical format for a middle aged pudgy guy like me than the intense story telling version of the game.

  2. Hey man, I feel the pain. I was lucky that my current campaign came to a natural ending, but I too was getting frustrated with missing game sessions, both because of my own issues as well as players. But I intend to start a Labyrinth Lord campaign that I will be running with the same stipulation: whoever shows up, we play. Whoever doesn't, they don't play. The campaign we just ended was set up from the beginning to be very intertwined with certain characters, and when those players weren't present it wasn't good to run sessions without them. I'm doing things differently next time.
