Monday, June 25, 2012

Dungeons And Dragons: Book of Vile Darkness Trailer

I am going to go out on limb here and assume that they are basing this on 3rd or 4th edition between the straps and buckles leathery S&M look and the unfamiliar spells, but the fight choreography wasn't bad, and they sexed it up some. Maybe it won't suck and it will usher in a new wave of good fantasy films, and bad ones that we will grow to love- like "Hawk the Slayer".

Anyway, I had no games this weekend, my back is still out. I have gotten a lot of thinking, research and actual writing done on my Garnia World campaign, and done a fair bit of reading; mostly about the Chinese, whose culture and history I am weak on, and the Mongols, who I am strong on, but I have a specific area that needed more study. For fun I am still reading "The Mongoliad".


  1. 4e. The S&M magic using woman is a Shadar-kai by the looks of her. A 4e race.
    Plus if WotC is putting their seal of approval on this then it will be to most recent version of the game.

    1. What was that one spell? Power word explode? Nice gory effect though.

      Although technically, isn't 1st edition AD&D now the most recent version of the game ;)

    2. NO dip shit. th most recent version of the game is fourth edition. Ad&d was the second generation of what we call d&d, which all came from a board game call Chainmail

    3. Ah. the bravery of anonymity, I am quite certain you'd never be so rude to my face. The internet has certainly brought down the level of polite discussion through the use of anonymous posting and the fact that you don't have to make eye contact with the person you are replying to.

      You might have noticed the little smiley at the end of my sentence, that indicated that I was making a joke, although it is a TECHNICALLY CORRECT joke, because there are NO MORE 4th edition rule books coming out AND 1st edition AD&D is in a CURRENT print run.

      Now there was no need for your rudeness or foul language here, ladies and even children under 18 years of age sometimes read my blog. While it may seem a little hypocritical of me to complain about your use of foul language, as it does slip into my blog posting from time to time; my grandfather, father and I were all Longshoremen, I was raised that way and in that environment on the docks; I object to it because of it's use to insult me. I actually would object to it if you were using it to call one of your precious 4th edition designers a profanely insulting name, and I don't even like 4th edition, but I respect them as people and as game designers.

      So why did you have to go and make this all personal and then hide behind a cloak of anonymity?

    4. I'd also like to point out, now that I've had some coffee, that both your spelling and grammar suck, and that you are wrong about Chainmail being a board game; it is a table top miniatures wargame.

  2. I wasn't aware this was in the works. Looks like it could be fun.

    1. I really hadn't been aware it was in the works either. I spotted it on another blog and shred it here too so it could get both a wider audience and my editorializing :) It does look better than the last two efforts, and for the record, I think the second D&D movie was vastly superior to the first. Still the best "D&D" movie "Hawk the Slayer".
