Friday, June 15, 2012

Two Things Didn't Suck Today

First I got this book in the mail from Amazon; actually one of their affiliated sellers, because it's a used, out of print book, but nevertheless it was nice to see it arrive.

The only real downside to this is that it's book three in the series, so now both two and three have arrived, but one is taking it's sweet time. Fine I've got a bunch of other stuff to read anyway.

The other thing that didn't suck was my discovery of this-

Which can be purchased here.I like me some Roman on Celt action, especially when their is creepy magic involved and it can be used to glean ideas for my own Garnia campaign world, which has both Romans and Celts from Earth transported there through magical means.

Plus, it already has a supplement so you can play as the Britons! Celts FTW!

Which can be purchased here. Now, if you are a little leery of paying over twenty dollars for this pair of pdf files when you don't really have any idea about the game system I have a couple of things to say, first the interior art is top notch - here's a couple of examples they have posted on their website, so I am not giving anything away that they aren't.

Second, it's based on a game they give away for FREE on their website, so you can check that game, Zenobia, out and see if you think it's going to spin your spurs or not before making the purchase.

Third, it got a pretty good review here.

Now the rest of my day pretty well sucked because I pulled a muscle in my back a couple of days ago and it's the kind of thing I would have shook off twenty years ago, now it's got me laid up for days. I also got the invitation to my 25th high school reunion. Between these two things and the fact that when I look in the mirror there is more gray than brown in my beard I am just feeling age hit me hard.


  1. 43AD looks, frankly, awesome. I'm a big fan of the Romano-british period (well, more the early dark ages than the actual invasion) so I really need to pick this up. Hope your days become less sucky sooner rather than later.

    1. I woke up this morning with my back feeling more stiff than sore, so that's a good sign. I am afraid I will miss the Free RPG day festivities planned though, because I don't really want to test this recovery with a 45 mile drive to the nearest participating FLGS. I had a good plan too, I was bringing the whole family and Dalton to collect maximum swag for the group.

  2. 43AD looks promising! Sorry to hear about your back. It's hard to think of a worse injury to deal with, and at our age, like you say, things don't get shrugged off so easily. Hope it heals up soon!

    1. 43AD certainly does look awesome, the only problem I have is that I know I am going to be the GM. Since that's clearly the case, I'd love to play two groups of PCs, one Romans and one Britons and have their actions affect each other's campaigning.

      I had another day of taking it easy, so my back has gotten even better, now I am noticing the other parts that have been compensating for the injured muscle :) Still, it's a bummer about missing Free RPG day, we canceled Dawn Patrol for it; which, in retrospect I wouldn't have been able to make it to anyway, but still.
