Saturday, July 14, 2012

Some Old School Art

I found this piece posted on the Facebook group for Old School Gamers today and thought I'd share. I asked the artist's permission, so it's cool.

The artist's name is Diogo Nogueira, he's from Brazil. He didn't name it until I asked him what the name of the piece was, so it was Christened "At the end of the Tunnel". I think it captures the essence of Old School pretty darned well.


  1. That is excellent. And if you wouldn't have mentioned it was drawn recently I would have thought it was in some old gaming book I hadn't seen yet.

    1. I see he attracted the attention of Jolly Blackburn too, so a Kenzer gig may be coming his way.

  2. I think those are the ones who punked my halfling thief awhile back.

    1. In this party they have it coming, the Halfling and the Magic-User are walking in front of the Fighter, who is carrying the torch in his sword hand.
