Friday, August 10, 2012

Breaking News

Hackmaster Basic is now free.

Download it here.

I failed to announce the awesome sale they had to get rid of the stock of HM Basic books a while back, so to make up for it I hope I am quick enough to be a news source here.

Between the Erol Otus cover art and the feel of the rules, it's a new old school game. It's a little heavier on the rules than I am looking for these days, but it is a good game and it was the first game my daughter GMed and everything worked out fine. Your PCs are definitely not superheroes, they work for their coin.


  1. Thankyooooo! That's my weekend reading sorted. :D

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Not sure I'm down with Hackmaster, but it's always cool to get some gaming stuff for free!

  3. I heard it here first and went and got my booty. Thanks William.

  4. Nice tip. Not sure what I think of the system but I have always been a bit curious.

  5. I bought 2 copies of HM basic back when they were full price, I was not disappointed with the money spent.
