Friday, January 4, 2013

Ave Caesar! A Contest Update

I just want to reiterate all of the contest rules and prizes here and announce that I am extending the submissions deadline until the end of January rather than the Ides, because, while the Ides sounded cool, don't think it gave enough time with the holidays in the way.

So here we go-

The contest is to write an Ancient Roman Empire themed adventure for early edition D&D, AD&D or one of their popular retroclones. One Page Dungeons are fine, but I have had people need more space, so short adventures are acceptable too. I am willing to accept anything you are willing to submit, up to and including huge hex-crawls; every adventure will be judged on it's own merit.

The fine print- I intend to publish these submissions to the web as a free series for the OSR community, if you want to opt out of having me give your work away to everyone, mention it in your submission email.

All adventures should be submitted via email to me at williamjdowie AT gmail DOT com by midnight on January 31st EST. I will then email them to the rest of the judges.

The good stuff-

Everyone who submits an entry, or really, really wants one gets a refrigerator magnet. So far the magnets have made it to Europe and Australia, as well as all over the USA, let's see how many continents and countries we can hit while the supply lasts! Just send me your postal address with your submission and my wife will mail it out within a few days, unless you live in Maryland or Germany, in which case I will have to nag her for weeks.

Grand Prize-
PDF copies of 43 AD and it's supplement Warband, courtesy of Zozer Games.
8”x10” Canvas Print courtesy of
Roman Numeral D4(x2), D6(x2) and D10(x2).
One commissioned Character portrait courtesy of Mona Dowie.

Second Prize-
PDF copy of 43 AD courtesy of Zozer Games.
Roman Numeral D4, D6(x2) and D10.
One commissioned Character portrait courtesy of Mona Dowie.
One Old School 1984 Ral Partha Roman Legionary lead miniature, unpainted.

Third Prize-
PDF copy of 43 AD courtesy of Zozer Games.
Roman Numeral D4, D6(x2) and D10.
One commissioned Character portrait courtesy of Mona Dowie.

Prizes may be updated, as I am constantly on the lookout for more sponsors and I am not averse to opening my own vault of gaming goods if I think we need more submissions.

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