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Showing posts with label Armor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armor. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Chainmail Bikini Babes & Hot Elf Chicks

Just boosting the signal, although, according to my stats, I should add Great Helm and Crusader Helm if I really want lots of hits. That said "Chinmail Bikini Babes & Hot Elf Chicks" sounds like it could be an RPG all on it's own. I think it would even fly with my group of mostly female players. It's tag line could be something like "The all fantasy female stereotype RPG". Here is a classic Chainmail Bikini Babe, just so you all don't feel cheated-

Red Sonja

I always liked Red Sonja. When I was a kid, reading Marvel Comics, Red Sonja was just a Female Conan the Barbarian to me, I never understood that she was a negative female stereotype just because she wore the skimpy armor, anymore than I thought Conan might be a negative male stereotype just because he runs around in a loincloth. I guess I just thought that, as comic book characters, they needed to have a unique look to make them stand out from the rest of the characters, and that it might be pretty warm in Hyboria.

And a Hot Elf Chick-


OK, she's a Demoness, but in Elf form.

Besides, I think we can all agree that the Drow have the hottest Elf chicks, just because they are all slutty bad girl stereotypes. That I got right away, but puberty had struck in the interim; and who doesn't like a bad girl?

I was going to post some more mini-reviews here, but I am not feeling it right now. So have a couple of Great Helms (as used by Crusaders) as consolation.

A random thought just struck me, has anyone considered that "Lolth" might just be a Gygaxian corruption of "Lilith"? Is this a new thought? Has everyone figured that bit of linguistic evolution out before me?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Helmets Part II

Or- "Damn, I hate speaking with authority and turning out to be wrong"

This just showed up in my comments overnight, and is most likely right.

"Not that I'm all that much into armour (yet) - but I just read that the earlier type of Bascinet did not have a visor, and was worn UNDER the great helm. Once you got knocked off your horse in a joust, you could throw the great helm away and still wear a helmet with less impaired vision. Could EGG have meant that type of Bascinet? It would explain the AD&D pricing a bit better. I imagine a fitting hinged visor is not easy to make - and is the hardest part of the later bascinet. But if there is none... it might be cheaper and easier to make.
By Jaap de Goede on Helmets at 3:10 AM"

For the most part anyway, the hinged visor certainly isn't child's play; but the multitude of curved surfaces of the later Bascinet and it's more fitted form are probably still the reason why they are so darned expensive.