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Showing posts with label Prime Directive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prime Directive. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd T Day

T day is probably the last really tough Norse themed day to do, so I figure even if I start late, like seems to be the case with all my posts lately; I'll probably not have to cut too much content. Not like poor S that got totally shorted.

T is for Thegn, an Old Norse word for a free person, that is someone who was neither a Thrall (serf) or a Jarl (lord).

T is for Thor, a God of the Aesir, the son of Odin and Jorð, easily the most popular god of the Viking age among the Heathen Norse. He is the protector of Asgarð and Miðgarð, and took pride of place in most temples, front and center, between Odin and Frey. He is the patron of common born men.

T is for Thing, a combination of a democratic assembly meeting and law court; usually with a wide variety of social and religious functions thrown in for good measure.

T is for Thrall, the unfree class in Norse society. They may have been born to this status, or they may have been captured and had it forced upon them. It is an unpleasant fact of history that many societies have relied on unfree labor, we modern Americans associate this strongly with racism. There wasn't really a strongly racist element to Norse Thralldom, and there was upward mobility to freedom, although it was usually rather difficult. I hesitate to translate Thrall as "Slave", because it is more akin to "Serf", although the methods by which you may have entered Thralldom may certainly have been similar to becoming a slave, and, unlike Serfs, you could be sold along to someone else, although that was really more a thing that happened in the actual slave markets they set up for dealing with foreign slave traders, to sell captured people. So it's a fuzzy distinction, if you were born a Thrall in Norway, you were probably better off than if you were captured in Scotland or Russia and sold off in Dublin or Kiev.

T is for Tyr, a God of the Aesir, the one that sacrificed his hand to uphold his oath to Fenrir. He is widely associated with order, justice, stability, courage, honor, and truthfulness. Some say that he was once ruler of the Aesir, but he lost his place to Odin. Some say he has a wife named Zisa, who shares many of his traits.

T is for Trade, the activity for which the Vikings are NOT widely known, yet indulged in at least as much, if not more than the whole raiding thing.

T is for Thurs, a type of supernatural being, a giant, that is strong, surly and generally stupid. They are hostile to the Gods and to men, and to pretty much everything that isn't their own kind. There are several "orders" of Thursar, Fire Giants, Frost Giants and Trolls.

T is for Trolls, the most important thing to remember about these guys, aside from what I said about Thursar in general, is what Tolkien wrote about the in "The Hobbit", these boys are extremely photosensitive. There was a recent Norwegian movie called "Troll Hunter" that covered the same topic.

This stuff came in the mail today-

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions II: Oh Yeah, Those Too-

Image by used without permission.

KAG- I am a Quadrant Commander in the Klingon Assault Group. I really need to make an effort to get much more active again. I have kind of let things slide since Klingon and Star Trek fandom took a hit when the last series went off the air. I haven't suited up in full make-up and head-piece in years now, and it's time to spruce up my uniform to a more professional quality and look the part, then get out there and recruit. The next Star Trek movie is rumored to have a big Klingon presence, so we KAG Klingons need to be ready to capitalize on the imminent popularity of our favorite sci-fi species once again.

Read all the stuff I bought over the course of the last year. This is like one of those quests that I had to read everything I was supposed to read in college and didn't have time for, but at least all this is stuff I am interested in; I just bought so much I fell way behind. Most of the RPG books I have flipped though, but I have about twenty novels and probably ten history books to read in addition to 199 unique game books and supplements I just counted, and 7 board or card games that I have not played since buying, without leaving my computer desk, that I bought last year; some of which I did read, or had already read; but most of which remain merely skimmed through, and that doesn't count pdfs or stuff I put in other rooms of my house. Seriously, I need to read more stuff. Currently, it seems I mostly use it as research material for my blog, or my OA game, or my wife's possible Star Wars game.

I have 67 unique Legend of the Five Rings books (counting Clan War books and novels), 10 GURPS books, 13 D20 Star Wars books (for all 3 d20 versions) 11 D6 Star Wars books and 4 modules (mostly 1st edition), 10 Star Fleet Battles (and 3 Prime Directive) books, and those are just the things that I bought more than ten books for in the last year. So, I guess I am actually going to have to take at least one day per week off from reading blogs and blogging and just read the stuff I already have. Maybe I'll review it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One of Those Days...

Or rather two, in a row. Yesterday I had a tire inexplicably just explosively deflate at a stoplight, it was a rear tire and I honestly wasn't sure what had happened at first. When the light changed I drove through and pulled into a parking lot and got out to check and my passenger side rear tire was just flat. I figured if it had to happen at least I was in the city and right in front of a store, so I went in to buy a can of fix-a-flat. It didn't work, which indicated to me that there was some fairly serious tire damage, as I suspected from a rapid, explosive deflation, but fix-a-flat is relatively cheap and I was in a hurry. It was cold out and kind of raining and I was taking my daughter to a doctors appointment, so, rather than screw around with the tiny donut spare and crappy scissor jack that come standard with minivans, I called AAA for a tow to a shop for a new tire, and my dad, who lives about 2 miles from my house and about 12 miles from the city, for a ride to the appointment and back home. That all went off fairly well and quickly and my daughter was only about 15 minutes late, which was pretty good considering. We had planned on doing some grocery shopping on the way home, which is why my wife was really with us, and my dad was happy to oblige us in that regard too. We stopped off at the garage before leaving the city and made sure they had all the proper contact information and everything and they said they'd most likely get back to me before they closed shop for the evening. They did not.

When I get home I read through my blog roll and buy a copy of Tim Shorts' module "Knowledge Illuminates", I skim through it too. I like it. I will probably run it to kick off a campaign eventually. I'll alter it to fit my campaign world, but I always do.

I had a doctors appointment this morning, no big deal- just a check up, but my daughter also has another appointment moved to today, because doctors offices, at least around here, expect that you can rearrange your schedule at a moments notice. So I have to call my dad for a ride into town again. Mona comes along for the ride with us too and forwards the house calls to her cell phone. We go through all the appointments without any word from the garage. So I go back to the garage and talk to the people in the service department, apparently they don't have any tires in my minivan's size (15"), which strikes me as odd because the last time I had a flat tire they had a used one there for me, but whatever; not only do they not have any 15's, there aren't any in the entire city of Oswego. They have to special order me a tire and it won't be there until tomorrow, and this single tire is going to cost $97 and change. They tried telling me that nobody uses 15s anymore, but my dad's minivan is essentially the same as mine, only newer, it's 4 years old now and it has 15s on it.

So now I am kind of ranting about totally non-gaming related stuff on a primarily gaming blog, I have some cool topics lined up, but I am too tired to write about them coherently. I didn't get anything done on Obsidian Portal either yesterday or today. I am still trying to decide whether or not to go back to my original vision of Garnia with the (mostly) Celtic people, the sole exception being the Saxons in Wodanslund; which I am leaning towards, or to just throw in everything including the kitchen sink and retcon everything. I still haven't given myself a good reason to include Halflings in the setting, the only reason that they are there now is that they are an AD&D 1st edition player character race from the Players Handbook and they appeared in the Monster Manual. My wife says that I make too big a deal out of trying to make sense out these things, I say that these things need to make sense to me for me to make them real to my players, verisimilitude. Hobbits worked with the verisimilitude of Tolkien's Middle Earth, I fear they work against my Garnia by making it an imitation.

Anyway, here's some stuff that came in the mail today-

Shinobi Ryu for the Sengoku RPG, now I really have all of the stuff for this game. Sadly, I will most likely never play it.

Graduation Exercise for the Task Force Games version of Prime Directive, oddly, I believe this marks the final item in this game's inventory too. I will actually try to convince people to play this one, but I am not holding out a lot of hope, probably as a one-shot, if at all.

West End Games Star Wars Rebel Alliance Sourcebook for the 1st edition of the game, it's a first printing too, and in pretty fine shape. I played some Star Wars back in the day, or I should say, I GMed it, apparently we quit before this book came out because I never saw it. I flipped through it, it seems pretty cool like most of the D6 Star Wars stuff the WEG put out, although I heard that the 2nd edition of the game, while technically superior, lost a lot of it's heart; I haven't really seen a lot of the 2nd edition products, and the ones I have are real peripheral material, not core products, so I couldn't really make that assessment.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's Snowing Here Today.

And the snow is sticking to the ground, and the dog. Snow marks the official beginning of the bad part of the year. I didn't get everything winterized completely, but at least I managed to get a propane delivery first. On the plus side, I apparently did not tear the ligaments in my knee and will not need surgery, I did end up wasting half a day at the doctor's office running between his actual office and the x-ray department so they could get various different angled shots of my knee.

I got this bit of old school goodness in the mail though-

FASA Star Trek may not be what most people are thinking when they think old school RPGs, but it is from 1982. Big Darryl had pretty much everything for this game back in the day but I don't think we ever played it. He was always trying to integrate it into some vast Star Fleet Battles campaign, which he never quite got to mesh. I bought ADB's Prime Directive recently and haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I think that's the game he really wanted there. FASA Star Trek we never got past the "making characters" stage, which I think is a shame. I'd like to give it a shot.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mail Call 24 JUN 2011

Pics from EBay auctions. This stuff was waiting for me when I returned from the barber shop today.

Ashli will be driven into at least a slight fit of nerd rage by having both Star Wars and Star Trek in the same post. I used to do the same thing to her by putting Star Wars aliens or items into her Star Trek neighborhoods on the Sims 2. Or vice versa, it drives her a little crazy to mix different shows/movies together so every now and again we get a Klingon Jedi or a Twilek in Starfleet.

Prime Directive was a game I was always kind of interested in because I was a Star Fleet Battles player, but never actually got around to buying. The announcement of the new Mongoose Traveller Prime Directive piqued my interest, so I sought out a copy of the original for comparison, because you know, I haven't got anything else I am doing right now.

This I got pretty wicked cheap despite it being a near pristine copy of the first printing. I have a copy of the Saga edition, but never really gave it a go. This is the only D20 edition I ever had any experience with and it didn't really go well. None of us were really familiar with the rules, despite being 3e D&D players at the time. We only had one book for the whole group to use, it just didn't really work out. Still, I have a lot of D20 Star Wars stuff if you count every issue of Star Wars Gamer,and now this and Secrets of Naboo and the Saga edition book. I still think I like D6 better but maybe I'm just being a dick about it. Plus I bought all those Star Wars minis from WotC, I was using them as a lure to get John to game with me; it was semi-successful.