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Showing posts with label KAG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KAG. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Contest ends

The Celtic themed short adventure contest ends, not with a bang, but a whimper. I got a single entry for it was all, despite the many questions I was asked.

No worries, we can do another sometime when things are more settled.

I have had a lot going on during this quarantine, I lead a great Klingon house now (Kurkura, the line started by late KAG founder John Halvorson [Thought Admiral Kris epetai-Kurkura], and thus the oldest line in Klingon fandom), I started a classic Battlestar Galactica costumed fan club (currently on Facebook and Discord), and I have watched a lot of TV.

I am currently watching season 2 of Netflix' Korean zombie show “The Kingdom”, which of course makes me want to play some AD&D Oriental Adventures. It's a seriously cool show, best zombie thing I have seen since the early seasons of “The Walking Dead”. I put it off for a long time because I hate to watch things subtitled, they require my full attention, so I can't multi-task. Now I have the time, and I am glad I started it.

My late sister's birthday was yesterday, so I thought quite a bit about her. Today is my mother-in-law's birthday, we haven't spoken a lot since Mona died, but I sent her a birthday greeting, and got a response; so that got me thinking about Mona again. Truly, she's never far from my thoughts, my house is full of reminders of our life together, but this was in a more active way.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The State of The Great Khan Today

I am not going to lie, this has been an odd month. I started the month on fire with a renewed zeal for blogging, gaming and all the historical themes for old school D&D that I love. We entered our quarantine, which has sucked. I had a couple of recent deaths hit close to home, one was a kid that grew up in my tiny neighborhood, younger than me. The other a friend, and something of a mentor, older than me, but not what I'd call old. I am a little amused that my definition of “old” keeps changing as I age. In July I'll be 51, when I was a teenager 30 was old, now it seems like you need to be maybe 80, at a minimum, to qualify.

I am sliding into depression. I have had a tendency towards depression as long as I can remember. I am a Gen-Xer, so we're a little more open about talking about this sort of thing than say, the Greatest Generation, but not really much; Millennials and Zoomers are a lot more keen to share what we'd consider weaknesses. I take a little comfort in knowing that I am not alone, and it has touched the lives of great men like Winston Churchill (not really an opening for a debate on Churchill, he was a complex individual and a product of the British empire at it's height).

The short adventure design contest. There are six days left in the contest, and I assumed a general quarantine worldwide would make it a wee bit more popular. Maybe it's because I never announced prizes? Maybe because I failed to get sponsors like in contests past? I have received a single completed adventure and perhaps a dozen or so inquiries about the parameters of the contest itself. Several people have stated that they'd love to enter, “if they have the time”. I could extend the deadline, I could cancel right now, but I don't think either would help. I've extended the length of a contest in the past to allow more time for entries, and it didn't really work. Canceling seems like admitting failure.

The Klingon Assault Group, a Klingon centered costumed Star Trek fan club I have talked about before here on the blog, lost it's founder, John Halvorson (AKA Kris epetai-Kurkura) on March 26th. He was also the founder of House Kurkura, of which I was a member. He was the friend and mentor I mentioned above, and the reason I had the KAG logo with the black line through it as my Facebook profile picture. Last Saturday I was selected from among the Kurkura to lead the House, the oldest in KAG. This has drawn a good deal of my attention for the last couple of weeks away from gaming and any other pursuits. I pray I am up to the task of leading them, and that I might honor John's legacy in doing so. He was a lion of a man, may he rest in peace.

As far as gaming goes, I am having a hard time moving online. My internet connection gets really spotty pretty much every evening, I am having trouble keeping Roll20 and Discord working at all. I am also having focus issues with running things on Roll20, and I pretty much hate using the maps there. I have tried playing in a couple of games since the pandemic started, to get my sea legs back, as it were; but the quality of my internet connection has prevented me from really participating. I cannot wait to get back to face-to-face gaming, and I really hope my group sticks together after this is over.

My overwhelming feeling about setting things up on Roll20 is that, if I am going to go to this much effort to set up the maps, why wouldn't I just make it a Neverwinter Nights module? I ran the Norseworld server for like 18 months before catastrophe struck there. I spent days creating new areas while the kids were in school and Mona was out of the house, the kids would playtest/stress test new stuff when it was ready, and when te bugs were worked out I'd add it to the server. The added bonus was everyone got to play there. I could run as DM or play a character. I didn't hate that.

Not seeing people has made me start to miss people I haven't seen for years along with the ones I still see regularly, old friends I fell out of contact with for one reason or another, people I used to game with especially.

Possibly related is that I have sought out the things I used to love, comfort TV and books, to pass my time. I am currently running through the classic 1978 Battlestar Galactica as my obsession du jour. I was pretty deep into it's fandom back in the 1990's. I wonder why it never got the cosplay fandom that Star Wars and Star Trek both got? I remember as a kid I thought those BSG uniforms were the coolest, and I really wanted to order the Colonial Warrior jacket out of Starlog when I spotted it.

No hate for the new Galactica, if that's your jam, mine will always be the original though. Man I loved that show! BSG taught us how to swear without swearing, with words like “Frak” and “Felgercarb”, which was useful when I was 9 years old. I built those models as a kid, and I was terrible at building models. I owned the Viper toy, and it fired it's missiles. I remember BSG being as big as Star Wars had been the year before, maybe bigger, because it was on every week with new episodes.

Let's not forget the absolutely epic score either -

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 17th O Day

I wish I had more for you today, I started late again today, and as it turns out O is another letter that is more full of proper names than actual culturally significant Norse things to know. I also spent a significant part of my free time today working on KAG business, so I didn't even get a chance to do the Dawn Patrol write up.

O is for Odin, the Chief God of the Aesir, Husband of Frigg, Father of Balder and Thor, Blood-Brother of Loki, Brother of Vili and Vé, King of the Gods. Lord of the Slain, God of the Gallows, Giver of Victory, etc. He does pretty much everything he can to get the knowledge necessary to avert Ragnarök, or at least see that his side is best prepared for it when it does arrive; at great personal sacrifice. In the end, all he really achieves is the lack of total destruction and the continuation of life, a new cycle begins. He and most of the people and things he knows and loves will be destroyed, but his victory will be the continuation of life itself. Balder will return from the land of the dead, a younger generation of gods will start to rebuild in Asgarð and humankind will restart again in Midgarð.

O is for Oath and Norsemen took oaths seriously, they were sacred. A man's word really was his bond.

O is for Örlög, a word that means almost the same thing as destiny or fate or doom.

O is for Ód, the missing husband of Freyja, for whom she weeps her tears of gold; and the reason some scholars believe that Frigg and Freyja may have once been the same Goddess.

O is for Ódrerir, the sources are unclear on this one, it is either name of the pot in which the mead of poetry was brewed, or the actual name of the mead of poetry.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12th K Day

As it turns out, aside from a bunch of proper names like Knut and Karl or names of objects like Knives (Knífar), there aren't a whole lot of important Old Norse words or concepts that are important for my Viking campaign from either a historical, mythological or cultural point of view, so I am going to have to pad out today's post with some extra stuff that is non-Norse in nature.

K is for Kvásir, a God created by both the Aesir and the Vanir to seal their truce, oddly by mixing together their collective spit. Sadly, it doesn't end well for him. He is so well renowned for his wisdom that "No man can ask him a question he cannot answer."; so of course this engenders jealousy and he is murdered by a pair of Dwarf brothers, Fjalar and Galar, who then mix his blood with honey to brew the mead of poetry. When the Aesir come looking for him the Dwarves lie and say he died by choking to death on his own wisdom.

K is for Kona, which is just the Old Norse word for woman. I mention it specifically because it gets used a lot in compound words like seiðkona.

K is for Konung, which is the Old Norse word for King.

K is for Kennings. Kennings are like poetic code words or phrases, they might be something simple like calling the sea "the whale's road", or something more obscure, like referring to gold as "Freyja's tears".

K is for Klingon, OK, the original Klingons on Star Trek were, more or less, stand ins for the Soviets versus the Federation's USA/NATO. John M. Ford in his book "The Final Reflection" completely redefined what Klingons were, and FASA ran with that during their run with the Star Trek RPG lisence. Actually, that might be a chicken/egg thing, I see that John M. Ford was one of the designers for FASA's Klingons supplement and it mentions his upcoming book in the designers notes in the back; but I read "The Final Reflection" long before I ever saw the FASA Klingons supplement, so I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway, long digression aside, I know that the later Star Trek movies and TV series that came along kind of played havoc with Ford's Klingons and the FASA canon, but I am still a big fan, and from what I have read, so were most of the writers that wrote for the later shows. Ron Moore and Keith R.A. DeCandido have both mentioned that they were inspired by Ford's take on Klingon culture. That's why the Klingons got to get so much awesome added to them, they took all the coolest warrior cultures from earth and threw them in a blender set to "make awesome", Klingons are part Viking, part Mongol and part Samurai, with a dash of some other stuff occasionally thrown in for flavor, set in SPACE.

K is for KAG, which is the Klingon Assault Group, of which I am a member. If you have ever thought about getting costumed up as a member of the original party race of Star Trek, check us out. No Dues, Few Rules, join us or tell a friend about us; we're the largest Klingon fan organization in the world.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions II: Oh Yeah, Those Too-

Image by used without permission.

KAG- I am a Quadrant Commander in the Klingon Assault Group. I really need to make an effort to get much more active again. I have kind of let things slide since Klingon and Star Trek fandom took a hit when the last series went off the air. I haven't suited up in full make-up and head-piece in years now, and it's time to spruce up my uniform to a more professional quality and look the part, then get out there and recruit. The next Star Trek movie is rumored to have a big Klingon presence, so we KAG Klingons need to be ready to capitalize on the imminent popularity of our favorite sci-fi species once again.

Read all the stuff I bought over the course of the last year. This is like one of those quests that I had to read everything I was supposed to read in college and didn't have time for, but at least all this is stuff I am interested in; I just bought so much I fell way behind. Most of the RPG books I have flipped though, but I have about twenty novels and probably ten history books to read in addition to 199 unique game books and supplements I just counted, and 7 board or card games that I have not played since buying, without leaving my computer desk, that I bought last year; some of which I did read, or had already read; but most of which remain merely skimmed through, and that doesn't count pdfs or stuff I put in other rooms of my house. Seriously, I need to read more stuff. Currently, it seems I mostly use it as research material for my blog, or my OA game, or my wife's possible Star Wars game.

I have 67 unique Legend of the Five Rings books (counting Clan War books and novels), 10 GURPS books, 13 D20 Star Wars books (for all 3 d20 versions) 11 D6 Star Wars books and 4 modules (mostly 1st edition), 10 Star Fleet Battles (and 3 Prime Directive) books, and those are just the things that I bought more than ten books for in the last year. So, I guess I am actually going to have to take at least one day per week off from reading blogs and blogging and just read the stuff I already have. Maybe I'll review it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Day...

...Another visit to the dentist, fortunately this time just for a teeth cleaning, but it was my first one in decades, since my insurance never covered dental before.

I didn't get a lot of gaming related stuff done today, I have been quite busy with my other, other hobby- The Klingon Assault Group, or KAG. As SCA time slows down KAG time picks up somewhat, although there is some overlap and I do have to prioritize one over the other. If the SCA is kind of like a medieval LARP, KAG is kind of like a Klingon LARP, although neither of them is really a LARP at all, I just figure it's easier to explain to a mostly RPG playing group of readers in those terms. Really KAG is more like a Klingon themed costume party, that's also part improv theater, particularly at conventions and also does some charity work on the side, but it's more than the sum of those parts too. In KAG I am known as Commander Jag sutai-MaHcha' Comanding Officer of IKV Fist of Kahless and Dark Vengeance Quadrant Commander, it's part of KAG's Dark Moon Fleet comprising New York, New Jersey, Pennsyvania, West Virginia and Delaware. For more information on the Klingon Assault Group follow this link to their website. If you are familiar with the FASA Star Trek RPG treatment of Klingons or John M. Ford's Book "The Final Reflection", then KAG's version of the Klingon empire will be somewhat familiar to you. Here's a picture of me in my very first Klingon uniform circa 2002.

It was taken at my buddy Scott's apartment in Brewerton, NY right before we left to dominate some costume contests that Halloween. It's kind of dark and grainy and the flash doesn't do the make up work justice, it really did look pretty damned good.

Here's some Legend of the Five Rings RPG stuff I won on EBay and got in the mail today-

I shamelessly got these for like $2.00 each, some of them are still shrink wrapped.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Extras-

Since I didn't have a game on Saturday due to Ashli's Army Reserve drill, here's some of the stuff that I either forgot about, didn't have time for, or just plain got skipped on their proper day.

K should have had Klingons. Star Trek's best bad boy race from the Original Series that became their most honorable warrior ally during the Next Generation era. Borrowing elements from earth cultures that I have a distinct interest in to start with, namely the Vikings, Mongols and Samurai; it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they were going to be among my favorites once they got fleshed out in the Next Generation era. What may come as a surprise to my blog readers though is just how big a Klingon fan I actually am. I am a not just a member of the Klingon Assault Group, the worlds largest costumed Klingon fan organization, but I am also a reasonably high ranking member. I command the vessel IKV Fist of Kahless (The Oswego, NY chapter of the club) and I am the Dark Vengeance Quadrant Commander*; as I write this it occurs to me that there are only two people in the club in the chain of command above me, my Fleet Admiral and the Thought Admiral (Supreme Commander of KAG). We dress like Klingons fairly regularly, love Star Trek and do charitable works.

M should have included Mandark the Barbarian. Mandark is probably the longest running player character I ever had. I created him the first day I played in Tim McD's campaign and he was my PC there until Tim went away into the army. That was from teh time I was in 5th grade until I was a junior in high school. He had a pretty full life, starting out as a rootless barbarian from the Soderfjord Jarldoms on a quest for riches and glory, he eventually laid roots in his adopted home town of Specularum, buying a controlling interest in a ship yard and marrying a woman who was as big a pirate as himself. He had friends there, mostly shady adventurer types, but also a Paladin. I like to think that he eventually just settled into a comfortable retirement, living off of his adventuring booty and the proceeds from his interest in the shipyard; and told stories about his adventures to his grand kids.

K should have had Keep on the Borderlands. Module B2: Keep on the Borderlands is my go to adventure for teaching newbies how to play. I cut my teeth DMing there myself. My first copy came with my Holmes edition boxed set, and I still have it; it's the only survivor of that boxed set. I have run this adventure for so many different groups of players that I am getting to the point where I don't actually need to have the module text, just the map. Almost every party takes the evil Cleric on their expedition and is SHOCKED when he betrays them. Almost every party finds the lizard men's lair before they find Caves of Chaos. Rarely does any party encounter the hermit. In my experience when the party does find the caves they either go directly to the Goblin cave on the left or the first Orc cave up the hill on the right. Players that started playing D&D with later editions of the game tend to do two things; first they try and clear out the entirety of the Caves of Chaos in one go, which of course leads to their untimely deaths even when the module has been converted to whatever later edition they want to play; and second, and this applies mostly to the 3e crowd, they get kind of pissed when they encounter the really tough stuff, as though avoiding an encounter or negotiating or fleeing are not options.

K also should have had Kara-Tur and, particularly, it's nation of Kozakura where the vast majority of my Oriental Adventures games have taken place over the years. I have run two pretty epic hex-crawls using just the maps from OA1: Swords of the Daimyo over the years, even before I had ever heard of the term hex-crawl. I love Oriental Adventures, I am pretty sure that regular readers have picked up on that by now, this love for OA was pretty much due to the excellent quality of the Oriental Adventures book and the first module OA1. I guess it didn't hurt that Kara-Tur was originally designed to be part of the world of Greyhawk, to which I have a strong sentimental attachment due to my near deification of EGG; but the early Gray Box Forgotten Realms didn't suck either, so when Kara-Tur got officially made the "Eastern Realms" I wasn't too terribly disappointed either. The Kara-Tur boxed set is also the sole surviving originally purchased boxed set I still have, so that makes it kind of special too. My wife has had to repair the box like a dozen times though.

Kiku the Cat Girl got missed on K day because I really couldn't figure out how to do her justice. She was a cat Hengeyokai Shukenja played by my wife Mona. She was kind of crazy, in that I guess she was just really cat-like, and spoke in a kind of dreamy prophetic way that really creeped out Mark K. who was playing the party Samurai Akihito**. She was also renowned for her hatred of Kappas.

Pictured- A sketch Mona did of Kiku immediately following a battle against a Kappa. The writing at the bottom I would guess is xp maybe?

While we're on Oriental Adventures and K we should mention the Katana. I am not a Katana fanboy that believes that it is a magical work of sword-making art that far surpasses anything ever made by anyone else in the history of ever, but it is a damned good sword. The Katana is elegantly designed to it's function and it's environment, when considered under that light it is practically unsurpassed. I own one and I am studying it's use. It is the most expensive sword I own by quite a bit and I have a small collection of pricey swords and a slightly bigger collection of decorative wall-hangers.

Pictured- A Samurai girl with a Katana drawn by my daughter Ember when she was maybe ten years old? I found both this and the Kiku sketch tucked into the equipment section of my 1st edition OA book the other day.

I guess to finish off the skipped on their letter's day Oriental Adventures theme I should mention the Daikyu. The Daikyu or Great-Bow is a Japanese composite longbow designed to be fired from horseback. I mention this because the samurai class is associated strongly with their sword, but their function on the battlefield, originally, was as horse archers; and that role was never completely lost to them until the suppression of the samurai during the Meiji restoration in the 19th century, which overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate.

M maybe should have had Magic: the Gathering. I cannot express in words my loathing for this game when I became aware of it, which was not immediately as it hit the scene, but only after it had saturated the gaming world. I first hated it because, despite what everyone kept telling me, it was drawing players away from D&D. I had players, particularly the younger ones bringing decks to my D&D games. It was like D&D for the ADHD generation. Only after I tried a different collectible card game did I realize the full horror of what had been wrought; players that invested the most money won the game. After that I hated everything labeled as collectible, including the WotC minis- they were just so cheap to buy that I couldn't resist, it was the Star Wars ones that drew me in, but I got into the D&D ones too, pretty big right before the end.

H really should have included Highlander and I don't know how I failed to mention it. Highlander was one of the big three go to fantasy movies for me and my friends, along with Conan the Barbarian and Excalibur. Highlander is the first movie I owned on DVD.

While we're on movies I guess honorable mentions in fantasy film should go to Beastmaster, Hawk the Slayer and Krull; they also got skipped but weren't as important in my personal RPG development. There was also a TV version of Ivanhoe in the 1980's that I thought was pretty cool at the time and have never seen since, but it's not really fantasy, more of a romanticized historical fiction.

For N I wanted to mention Nobles and Nobility. I spent a good potion of my young adult life studying the history of the European middle ages and then, just for a contrasting view of feudalism, feudal Japan. Every civilization on earth after they reach a certain level of development it seems, decides that some members of their society are just born better; aristocracy forms. I find it kind of interesting that we modern humans, who, according to my blogger statistics, if you are reading this probably live in a democratic society (and most likely the United States of America), almost entirely play our RPGs based on a feudal society with a system of nobility that we have outgrown and flatly rejected in reality. Perhaps this is some kind of buyers remorse and we all really would deep down rather have someone born to rule over us? Or maybe it's because our society is still struggling to come to grips with the rejection of a stratified hierarchy based on birth that is deeply rooted in our culture. The caste system is NOT unique to India, pretty much all European cultures have similar stratigraphy in their societies, from the ancient versions up through the 20th century in some cases. Look how much we seem to care about the impending royal wedding in Britain. British royals who the hell are they? The world's most successful scam-artist welfare family is what they are. They didn't even pay taxes until Queen Elizabeth II decided to voluntarily. There are all kinds of protocols and security and stuff when you have them around and all they are are members of the lucky sperm club. I categorically reject the notion that anyone on earth is better than me based on their blood line, but maybe that's just because I am an American. Or maybe it's because I have better ancestors than they do ;)

*Quadrants are how KAG breaks down their fleets into geographic areas, the Dark Vengeance Quadrant is part of the Dark Moon Fleet. The Dark Moon Fleet covers the eastern seaboard of the US. The DVQ is NY, NJ, PA, WV and DE.

**There were actually two Akihitos. The first one was a commoner Bushi masquerading as a Samurai. Random events in the campaign kept foreshadowing his death, and unsurprisingly, those prophecies came true. The second Akihito was a true noble-born Samurai, he actually had an imperial bloodline. Akihito II's major claim to fame was in actually talking an Oni into fighting an Iaijutsu duel with him. He then one-shotted the Oni with a critical hit combined with his Iaijutsu bonus.