First I'll write about the trials and
tribulations I went through getting the D&D Next playtest packet,
they emailed me on the 24th, I didn't get it until late on the 27th.
Somewhere along the way my repeated attempts to retrieve the packet
got my WotC account canceled and I had to set up a new one, I got to
use the same email address, but had to change my screen name. No
biggie, I don't hang out there anyway.
Saturday I went and played Dawn Patrol
with Darryl Sr. and Darryl Jr., I had neither John nor Dalton with
me, I fear they may not be interested enough in WW I aerial combat,
or that their introduction to the game has turned them off to it. I
guess we'll see next weekend. The game itself was short, two turns
Set Up: We rolled 2d4 to advance the
calender to February 17, 1917, and I rolled the weather conditions
while Darryl Jr. rolled up the mission and starting altitude for our
flights. For the record- there was a negligible breeze from the south
west, and one thick cloud bank running from 6,600'-7,100'. Both
flights actually rolled starting altitudes higher than their
ceilings, so we just started them at their ceilings. We were 99
squares inside French held territory, and the front was 108 squares
wide. The French mission was a Fighter patrol, the German mission was
Darryl Sr. and I had drawn allied
counters from the hat, and both ended up flying French Spad VIIs, he
was flight leader with his Lieutenant Gilles Chenault and I was his
wingman with my less experienced Serbian pilot (who had barely made
it home last time) Sous-Lieutenant Vaclev Petrovic, flying our
squadron's brand new replacement Spad VII, since it had only been a
week since I returned my last Spad badly damaged.
Darryl Jr. had his pair of
Vizefeldwebels Hans Grüber and Dirk Schmidt flying a pair of Roland
CII's (AKA "The Whale") at 16,500' and realizing that he
had: A- Two enemy fighters at 18,000' headed straight for them.
Turn 1: Unfortunately for the French,
the Germans won the initiative roll and we were forced to go first.
Lt. Chenault dropped to 16,500' and so did I, only facing towards him
so the enemy would have to face fire from one of us if they chose to
engage rather than dive towards their mission objective. Both German
aircraft dove to 16,400' and lined up on Lt. Chenault's aircraft;
from their slightly underneath position both the pilots and the
observers guns, they all fired long bursts and they all hit, scoring
a total of 9 hits on Lt. Chenault's Spad, spread out pretty evenly
across his wings and tail. I fired an interrupted burst at the
nearest plane, as it turns out it was Grüber's; but my gun jammed
and I only got one hit to his tail.
This was the end of turn one, Darryl
Jr. stated that he figured there was no way he could complete his
mission if he had to dive to below 6,600' with two Spads chasing him,
so chose instead to try and make a kill or drive us off, play a
little reckless since he didn't think he had a shot at winning the
scenario otherwise, and, metagaming a bit, both of these pilots had
zero missions/zero kills so it was no great loss to him if they went
down trying to be ballsy.
Turn 2: Grüber is forced to go first
and dives to 15,000'. I go second and dive to 14,950' to get below
Grüber's observer's gun, I miscount the squares and end up
underneath Grüber rather than behind him in tailing position, I also
fail to clear my gun jam. Schmidt goes next and over dives into
tailing position behind me. Lt. Chenault also over dives and fails
the roll to break-up (15%, he rolled an 01; yes, we heretics use
percentile dice when playing Dawn Patrol instead of the d6% charts).
Schmidt, having dropped into the perfect firing position for a shot
at me with both pilot's and observer's guns, naturally takes the
shots, hitting with both. My plane takes 6 hits, 4 to the Left Wing.
My flight leader down, and outnumbered two to one in a fairly damaged
aircraft, I decide discretion is the better part of valor today and
Post Game: We just assumed that the
Germans dove below the cloud cover and compled their mission. Lt.
Chenault miraculously survived his 14,900' crash landing, the plane
was destroyed and he was wounded, but he'll be available for duty
again on March 2nd 1917. Either Grüber or Schmidt is going to get
credit for the kill, we already determined which one it was, but I
forgot and it's not written on the mission logs I brought home with
me so I could give a more accurate blow by blow report, and Darryl
Jr. didn't give me his pilot roster either. I have everyone else's,
so I can be the "official" experience point tracker. I also
get to come up with names for all of the, until now, nameless,
faceless, rank-less and experience-less Observers. Observers are
people too, they can get better at their jobs.

Since we still had a whole bunch of
time left over after our two turn Dawn Patrol game, I suggested that
we play some classic MB Axis & Allies, because we used to love
that game, and we were masters of it, and that's not an idle boast;
at Gen Con in 1990 Darryl (Jr) and I, playing the Axis as a team beat
the Allies on the second turn of the game. Now, we always play with
one house rule and one recommended rule. Our house rule is that in a
three player game the Axis is played by one player, not split up. The
recommended rule is that Russia doesn't attack on the first turn,
which is pretty standard. So one player plays Germany and Japan, one
plays the US and USSR, and one plays Britain.
We each have our specialties, I am best
with the Axis and worst with Britain. Darryl Sr is best with US/USSR
and worst with the Axis. Darryl Jr. is best with Britain and probably
equally bad with either of the other powers, which is still pretty
good. We drew control counters from my hat and I got the Axis, Darryl
Sr. got the US/USSR and Darryl Jr. got Britain, but he hates playing
Britain because of the great length between turns, so his dad traded
with him when he complained about how it always seems to be the same
game we play.
This game did not go well for me,
Russia had an unusually aggressive build of tanks and infantry on
their first turn, the tanks were built in Russia, the infantry in
Karelia, all but one of the infantry in Caucasus was moved to
Karelia, all the infantry and the fighter from Russia were moved to
Karelia and then they moved their transport to the British sea zone,
to join the British fleet there, and their submarine to the eastern
Canada sea zone to join the British transport there. Out in the
Soviet east they shuffled all of their troops into the Yakut S.S.R.,
with the exception of the tank, which was moved to Novosibirsk and
one lonely infantry left in the Soviet Far East.
My first turn German build is pretty
standardized by now, I build a fighter and four tanks. From Italy I
sent the battleship to clear the sea zone above Egypt and the
transport with two infantry. My corps of troops already in Africa, I
sent the one infantry that couldn't reach the fighting down int
French West Africa, blitzed my tank through French Equatorial Africa
into Anglo-Egypt Sudan and waited for the sea battle to see whether
or not there'd be any more troops coming in; there would be but it
cost me my battleship, the start of my bad luck on this turn. I
fought the battle in Egypt and took higher than normal casualties
too, all three infantry dead. I had sent two fighters after the
British battleship at Gibraltar, I sank it, but lost a fighter doing
it, about what is usual. I sent the German sub over to sink the
American transport and lost that fight, which is pretty unusual, but
happens. I sent the bomber from Germany over to sink the British
transport (and it's Soviet submarine buddy), my bomber hit and they
took the British transport as a casualty and retreated the Soviet
submarine down to join the American transport. I sent my Baltic
submarine and the three remaining fighters from the Luftwaffe to
attack the combined British/Soviet fleet in the sea zone surrounding
Britain, they were actually quite successful and I only lost the
submarine, the British lost a battleship and a transport, plus the
Soviet transport. I sent one tank from the Ukraine into the Caucasus
and killed the infantry there, but the lucky bastard took my panzer
out too.
But this was all just the precursor to
my massed attack on Karelia, the tanks from everywhere except Western
Europe could make it there, and the infantry from everywhere but
Germany, I used the transport in the Baltic to take the two infantry
from Western Europe and amphibiously invade Karelia too via the
Baltic. That may be another house rule, we rule that only units that
have been involved in an amphibious invasion cannot retreat, so of
course they get to be the first casualties generally speaking.
Anyway, the first turn of combat went OK, I hit slightly less than
the odds said I should and the Russians hit me right about on the
odds, so sticking around for a second round of combat was the obvious
choice, the odds were still in my favor. Then lady luck deserted me,
bad, and she left me for Darryl's Russians. I don't recall how
horrible it was exactly, but I am not sure I had any infantry left at
all when I retreated to the Ukraine, I am pretty sure I may have
taken tank losses.
So I non-combat moved my infantry from
Germany to Eastern Europe, and my tanks from Western Europe to
Eastern Europe, landed my surviving fighters in Eastern Europe and my
bomber in Germany; built my new tanks in Germany and my new fighter
in Italy.
Then Britain went, they abandoned India
to drive the German forces from Africa, they had no trouble taking
out my tank in Egypt. They used their two fighters from Britain to
sink my transport in the Baltic, of course I missed them on my
counter-attack; then they landed them in Karelia to protect the
Russians from another onslaught by my depleted forces. Then they
built an industrial complex in South Africa and I forget what else.
My first turn build for the Japanese is
pretty standard now too, an industrial complex and a transport. The
complex is so I can start building some stuff on the continent and
the transport is just to upgrade my shipping capacity. Being so
obliged by the British departure, I felt compelled as the Japanese to
simply walk in and take India, this was the high point of Japan's
turn, and possibly their biggest mistake. I sent the tank from Japan
on the transport with the battleship to attack Soviet Far East, the
battleship bombardment failed, do they ever work? Then the tank
missed and was killed by the infantry counter-attack, a sad and
pathetic end to that amphibious invasion. I used the submarine, some
fighters and the bomber from Japan to attack the American fleet at
Hawaii and destroyed them with just the loss of the submarine. That
was the end of my attacks.
I non-combat moved my other battleship
and aircraft carrier to Hawaii. I also moved troops and fighters to
Manchuria, to counter the Soviet threat, and then placed my
industrial complex there and my transport in the Japan sea zone.
The US wasted no time, they sent their
transport across the Atlantic and took Algeria, with a single
infantry no less. They also attacked both French Indo-China Burma and
Kwangtung, since I'd left them empty. Then they started building a
Pacific fleet off the Western USA, presumably to challenge Japan's
dominance of the Pacific, but I was willing to cede the Pacific to
take Asia from the Americans, Russians and British.
Now, I have always said, one of the
things that sadly can't be fixed, but really does suck about this
game is that the Allies get to go twice in a row, and now it was
Russia's turn to attack. I remember pretty clearly what happened in
Europe, because it affected the rest of the game, Asia not so well.
In Europe the Red Army replete with tanks and infantry smashed their
way into the Ukraine, and it was a crushing defeat for the Wehrmacht.
They may have launched an unsuccessful attack on Japanese positions
in Manchuria this turn as well, trying to take out the industrial
complex before it could start production on this turn. The loss to
the Germans was huge though, that was every remaining tank they had
started the game with, except for the one from Western Europe. After
taking the Ukraine, he non-combat moved the anti-aircraft gun from
Karelia to there, and the one from Russia to Karelia. He also
non-combat moves his submarine through the Panama canal.
Germany's turn and the war wasn't going
as planned. I built eleven infantry. I used my Mediterranean
transport to pick up a single tank and land it in Caucasus via the
Black Sea, the rest of my forces launched an attack into the Ukraine,
the odds were in my favor and it would destroy a bunch of Soviet
tanks, but I had six aircraft going into the battle and he had an
anti-aircraft gun. The odds said he would take out one, I thought at
worst two, but no, he shot down three. The odds no longer favored my
victory, but I was stuck for one round of, what turned out to be, a
very punishing combat. I retreated to Eastern Europe, much the worse
for wear and built my eleven infantry in Germany. You all can see
where this is going right?
Britain goes, they take French
Equatorial Africa from Germany, and sink my transport in the Black
Sea, I believe they then landed in Egypt where they built another
industrial complex and a pair of tanks for the complex in South
Africa. All things considered, they're actually moving rather slow
and methodical.
Japan actually had a pretty good turn,
I built a pair of tanks for Manchuria, and I forget what else. I
landed infantry in Soviet Far East, successfully, launched an
amphibious invasion into French Indo-China Burma, successfully and
launched an attack against China from Manchuria, unsuccessfully, but
not disastrously. I non-combat move some more infantry from the
islands with my transports to the Asian mainland.
The US continues it's Pacific naval
build up, but, in a surprise move, also builds an industrial complex
in Sinkiang, his sole combat move is to invade Western Europe with
that Cheeky infantry from Algeria, it's an unopposed D-Day landing,
it's not that I didn't see that it could happen, it's just that the
Russians were the bigger threat. To be fair, if they'd noticed, the
British could have done the same thing to Italy on their turn, but
they were focused on Asia and Africa. All remaining American troops
in Asia are pulling back to defend Sinkiang, this includes, I
believe, fighters that had been spending time in Karelia.
Russia gets to go, they build a bunch
of stuff, probably tanks and infantry, the Soviet juggernaut is just
unstoppable in Europe at this point, they smash their way into
Eastern Europe even more easily than they did the Ukraine, they also
send a minimal force, one infantry and one fighter I believe, to take
out the lone German tank in Caucasus before he has a chance to have
any behind the lines fun. Surviving Soviet troops from the east make
their way to Sinkiang to bolster the defenses of the American
industrial complex, the Soviet fighters no longer needed in Karelia,
also join them. The Soviet submarine non-combat moves up to join the
American fleet off the Coast of Western USA.
Germany Builds ten infantry. Six
infantry are sent to attack the American infantry in Western Europe,
they win losing two of their number. I non-combat move the remaining
five infantry to Italy so it will have some defense against either
the British or the Soviets. I place my ten new infantry in Germany.
Surprisingly, Germany still makes, I think, 27 IPCs this turn.
Britain goes and finally takes Libya,
they build some tanks and a transport. They are going slow, I think
the old man is tired and he is missing a lot of easy things. He's 70
years old now and I think maybe we should cut him some slack, the
counter argument to this though is two fold, first, he didn't cut
either Darryl or I any slack when we were 12 and just learning to
game and second, keeping the mind active is shown in studies to
prevent Alzheimer's and other degenerative mental conditions. So
maybe the fact that we haven't been keeping him competitive for the
last decade or so has made his gaming skills rusty, maybe he is a
little slower to think his moves through, he's the man that turned me
into the wargamer I am today. I owe him. Anyway, he sends a bunch of
fighters to Sinkiang too, it's going to be a tough nut to crack.
Japan goes and has a great turn, they
take every objective they set out for, which, in my opinion, only
puts them about two full turns behind schedule. the two tanks from
the Manchurian factory blitz through Yakut S.S.R., splitting up to
take Evenki Nat'l Okrug and Novosibirsk; infantry and fighters attack
China and win. I strategic bomb the US for free! At some point I had
consolidated my fleet around Japan, so it wasn't within striking
range of the US fleet with their submarines. I build three tanks for
my Manchurian industrial complex and I forget what else.
USA goes, I don't recall what they did,
honestly, it was short and probably just built stuff in Sinkiang for
our big showdown.
Russia goes they attack the two tanks
bordering Russia with one infantry and one fighter in one spot and
one tank and one fighter in the other, they win both battles and take
back their territories, but the real deal is the invasion of Germany,
Germany's luck holding about how it had been versus the Soviets all
game, they didn't even inflict serious casualties on the invading
force. Germany fell, I handed the Russians my IPCs, which I think is
a broken rule, but that's neither here nor there; then I considered
my options for about ten seconds and conceded the game.
So, Saturday handed me two losses in
one day. Sunday was Lance's birthday, and I have to say, I get the
impression he isn't happy or fitting in with my D&D group. Since
he's been back to work he hasn't made it to a single game. Audra is
his girlfriend, so I am pretty sure she is only coming to spend more
time with him and check out his interests. Lee Ann just got a new job
in the ER and is working 12 hour shifts, and doesn't always get
Sundays off. John enjoys playing 4th edition with his buddies more
than any edition here at home with his family, he particularly hates
that his mom is the de facto party leader. Ember only ever wants to
play if Lee Ann is going to be here to play too. Mona is usually
always up for a game, but gets sick of having to herd the cats that
make up most of the rest of the party. Ashli wants to play, but her
medication makes concentration difficult and she often has to leave
the table for naps. Dalton is pretty much always up for a game, but I
have to pick him up, and if every other player is no-showing on me,
sometimes I don't feel like it.
I guess I am in desperate need of a
group of players that want to play some old school D&D B/X or 1st
edition AD&D with B/X leanings in the central NY area. Oswego
county would be best if I have to travel, gas prices being what they
are. Weekends are best for me, but I am flexible and we don't really
have to play at my house, in fact my house isn't really the best
place to play, we just make due.
Every single game I have had scheduled
since the end of March has been canceled for one reason or another,
it's almost June. This is driving me crazy. I have two different
campaign projects I am running/playtesting new stuff for,
cancellations kill campaigns.
Anyway, I hope Lance had a good
birthday and everyone had a good Memorial Day. I haven't had time to
read through the playtest packet for D&D Next yet, I hope you all
enjoyed my lengthy game play reports and here's some Ebay pics of
stuff I got in the mail recently.
I already had the Rokugan book, but not the other two. The price was good though so, I figure I'll just pass along the Rokugan book to someone else.
I didn't really think about it, but did they really need a specific "Way of the" book for Daimyo? I mean, it's not like they're a dime a dozen.
I also find it interesting that the highest and the lowest were bundled together, Thieves and Daimyo. What point was the seller subconsciously making?